The process to add a new FAQ item is almost similar to adding a WordPress post. When you want to add a new FAQ, you simply navigate to the FAQ section in your WordPress dashboard, much like you would go to the Posts section to create a new blog post. Here, you’ll find a familiar interface with a title field and a content editor where you can input your question and answer.

Add New FAQ Post steps

Step 01

From the menu, navigate to the Advanced FAQ > Add New FAQ page.

Add New FAQ Post

Step 02

Next, add the FAQ title, FAQ description, select category, and topic.

Step 03

Finally, click the publish button to save the FAQ post.

Video tutorial

Last Update: September 29, 2024
July 11, 2024 149 Mahbub Alam KhanBWL Advance FAQ Manager, Setup
Total 0 Votes

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