Thank you so much for choosing our products. Our products come with six months premium support period. After six months, you can download the template, theme, and plugin updates without renewing the support period. However, if you need technical assistance from us after that time period, you can easily renew that. Here goes the step-by-step process to renew the support period.

Step 1: Go to the downloads page

Log in to your codecanyon account and go to the Downloads page.

Step 02: Click Renew Support Now link

You will get the “Renew support now!” link on the purchased item lists. Click on that list.

Step 3: Click Renew Support Button

It will take you to the product page. Next, complete the process by clicking the “Renew Support” button.

I hope that helps.

Last Update: July 13, 2023
June 6, 2022 501 Mahbub Alam KhanGeneral
Total 0 Votes

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