We will translate the texts of the BWL Advanced FAQ Manager plugin from English to Bangla. You can follow the steps to translate the plugin texts into your language.

Before starting the translation process, please make sure that you set the site language correctly.

Step 01: Go to the “wp-content/plugins/bwl-advanced-faq-manager/lang/” and open “bwl-adv-faq.pot” file. To open this file, download and install the poedit software.

pot file

Step 02: Next, click on the “Create new translation” button to generate a translation file for your language. From the “Translation language” dropdown list, select your language and click the OK button. We are translating our plugin into the Bengali language so that the file name will be bn_BD.po

Translate BWL Advanced FAQ Manager Plugin

Step 03: Save the translation file and add the plugin text-domain while saving it. For example, our plugin text domain is “bwl-adv-faq“, and the file name must be “bwl-adv-faq-bn_BD.po“. Finally, save the file into the “wp-content/languages/plugins” folder.

translation files

Step 04: Go to the “wp-content/languages/plugins/” and open “bwl-adv-faq-bn_BD.po” file. Add appropriate translation text into it and save the file.

.po and .mo files

Step 05: Now, refresh the site and you will see the results.

Last Update: September 4, 2023
August 30, 2017 1720 Mahbub Alam KhanBWL Advance FAQ Manager, How To
Total 0 Votes

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