If you want to show a single category of FAQ items on a page, then you probably want to hide the category title before the FAQ items. Because the page already displays that category name in the title. Therefore, as some of our customers have reported, they want to remove category titles from the FAQ section.

hide the title of a category

Hide The Category Title

To hide or remove the title, you just need to add the following code and make sure the ‘taxonomy_title‘ value is set to 0.

[bwla_faq faq_category="introduction" taxonomy_title=0 sbox="0" list="0" /]

Thanks !

Last Update: June 27, 2024
August 30, 2017 1428 Mahbub Alam KhanBWL Advance FAQ Manager, How To
Total 0 Votes

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One thought on “How do I hide the title of a category?

  1. Thomas

    Hi when setting list=”0″ – the sorting of the list get’s lost. I’d like to have individual sorting – or any other sorting that you offer.


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