Most users/buyers find it easy to get their answer if you have added a Youtube video inside a FAQ post. So, in today’s post, I will show how you can easily embed a youtube video as FAQ content.

Please follow the steps described below.

Step 01: Go To Youtube Page

Go to any youtube video page. For example-

Step 02: Copy Youtube Link

Next, click the SHARE button and then click the EMBED button.

Step 03: Grab The Embed Youtube Video Code

A new window will appear with the Embed code. Just copy Iframe codes from there. We are going to use that in the next step.

Step 04: Paste Youtube Video Link

Now, go to you’re website admin panel. From the navigation menu, go to BWL Woo FAQ >> Add New FAQ page. Insert Iframe Code in there like the following screenshot, and publish it.

Step 05: Add The FAQ To A Product Page

Then, we will add that “Global Video FAQ” post to the product. Select the Global Video FAQ post from the drop-down and Save it. That’s it.

Step 06: Output of The FAQ

Finally, visit the product page FAQ tab for the result, like the following example.

I hope that will help you.

Last Update: August 7, 2023
April 21, 2018 1119 Mahbub Alam KhanWooCommerce Product FAQ
Total 0 Votes

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