Knowledge Desk is a modern, clean HTML5 template that has been thoughtfully developed to meet the requirements of knowledgebase websites. With its fully responsive design, this template offers a smooth and user-friendly experience on desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones alike. Users will find a reliable and engaging experience whether they are visiting your website on a computer or on their mobile devices.

The Knowledge Desk stands out with a multitude of visually appealing elements. Your material is given a lively and modern vibe by the animated boxes, which draw users in and improve their browsing experience. The purpose of the contact form section is to make it simple and effective for visitors to contact you with questions or comments, giving you a dependable means of receiving their input.

Furthermore, Knowledge Desk has an easy-to-use form for users to submit queries, making it simple for users to get help and ask questions. This feature, which promotes user input and engagement, is very helpful for creating an extensive and dynamic knowledgebase. Additionally, the template has share boxes, which make it simple for users to spread worthwhile information on social media, expanding the audience and visibility of your knowledge base.

In addition to these features, Knowledge Desk has a number of other capabilities that are necessary for a strong knowledge base website. It supports a wide range of multimedia elements, so you may add photographs, videos, and other types of media to enhance your content. The template’s code is structured and neat, ensuring easy customization and excellent performance.

Knowledge Desk has all the features and tools you need to create a polished and effective online resource, whether your goal is to develop a specialized knowledge base, a FAQ section, or an extensive support website. It is the perfect option for anyone looking to provide their users with excellent support and information due to its innovative design and functional features.

Template Features

  • Bootstrap 3.X Framework.
  • Eight (08) Home Page Layout.
  • 25+ Templates.
  • 20+ pre-made Elements.
  • Modern and Very clean-looking Design.
  • Unique & Creative design
  • Searchable FAQ Plugin ( save $15 )
  • Valid HTML5 & CSS3
  • Responsive Template.
  • Font-awesome icon font.
  • Free Google Fonts used.
  • Ajax Contact Form.
  • 404 Page.
  • Latest jQuery Version
  • Developer Friendly Code
  • Well Documented.

20+ HTML Files Included

  • Home Page 1 (index.html)
  • Home Page 2 (home-2.html)
  • Home Page 3 (home-3.html)
  • Home Page 4 (home-4.html)
  • Home Page 5 (home-5.html)
  • About Us (about-us.html)
  • 404 Page (404.html)
  • Blog Page (blog.html)
  • Contact page (contact.html)
  • FAQ Page (faq.html)
  • Forum Page (forum.html)
  • Forum Single Page (forum-single.html)
  • KB Category Page (kb-category.html)
  • KB Single Page (kb-single.html)
  • Blog Single Page (single.html)

Icon Used

  • Free Font Awesome Icons by Font-Awesome.

Fonts Used

  • Montserrat(Google Font)
  • Source Sans Pro (Google Font)

Sources and Credits

  • jQuery –
  • Bootstrap –
  • BWL Searchable Accordion jQuery Plugin –
  • Google Fonts –
  • Owl Carousel –
  • Font Awesome –
  • Google Maps API –

Photos Credits


Please Note: All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. Images are not included in main Source file.



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Release Date




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