Ajaxified FAQ Search – BWL Advanced FAQ Addon


Ajaxified FAQ Search is a powerful add-on for Advanced FAQ Manager that allows users to find frequently asked questions easily & quickly on your website. This addon comes with 25+ animated modal windows with sticky buttons for the best user experience.



Ajaxified FAQ Search is a powerful add-on for Advanced FAQ Manager that allows users to find frequently asked questions easily & quickly on your website. This addon comes with 25+ animated modal windows with sticky buttons for the best user experience (UX). Addon requires almost zero configuration and zero coding knowledge. Just plug and play. In the back end, Addon gives administrators extensive options to customize the Addon setting.

Note: This is an add-on. You must have at least the 1.5.7 version of BWL Advanced FAQ Manager to use it.

Ajaxified FAQ Search Features

1. A zero configuration is required.

2. Sticky Button With 25+ Animated Search Modals.

Ajaxified FAQ Search – BWL Advanced FAQ Addon


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