The Plugin utilizes Font Awesome icon to display like/dislike, search, and sticky buttons icons. If the currently activated theme has already loaded the Font Awesome icons, do not load it again. It unnecessarily increases your site loading time. So, from the BWL KB Manager plugin options panel, you can easily disable that feature. Please follow the steps-

Step 01: Log in to the WordPress admin panel.

Step 02: Navigate to the plugin Option panel > General tab.

Step 03: Next, you will get an option for Load Font Awesome.

Step 04: Finally, Select ON and Click Save Settings button.

Here is the reference screenshot.

disable font awesome icon for bwl kb manager wordpress plugin

I hope that helps you.


Last Update: September 4, 2023
September 18, 2017 2661 Mahbub Alam KhanBWL Knowledge Base Manager, How To
Total 0 Votes

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