Skype: bluewindlab
TailwindCSS setup for the Sage WordPress theme

TailwindCSS setup for the Sage WordPress theme

TailwindCSS is the most popular utility-based CSS framework. The best thing about this framework is that we do not need to write any custom CSS code. Although we have to add lots of classes into the HTML code. The sage theme comes with the TailWindCSS framework setup. So, in this tutorial I will try to […]

Install the Sage WordPress theme in LocalWP

Install the Sage WordPress theme in LocalWP

Sage is a powerful WordPress starter theme that uses the power of Laravel and allows developers to write clean code for WordPress theme development. It comes with bud.js to compile the styles and scripts and provides an amazing experience for frontend development. In this tutorial, we will learn how to install the Sage WordPress theme […]

Set up Bedrock on LocalWP installation

Set up Bedrock on LocalWP installation

Bedrock serves as a robust WordPress boilerplate, facilitating the professional organization of a WordPress project. It uses WordPress core functionalities but provides a subdirectory to add all the custom WordPress themes and plugin codes. The best part of Bedrock is that it uses Composer to install WordPress themes, plugins, and other PHP dependencies. Additionally, you […]

Setup Google Analytics using Google Tag Manager

Setup Google Analytics using Google Tag Manager

In this tutorial, we will learn how to add Google Analytics to a WordPress website through Google Tag Manager. Previously, we used to add Google Analytics code directly to a WordPress website’s header section. Now, we will handle all the functionality of Google Analytics using the Google Tag Manager code. This will enable us to […]

Five steps to using shortcode in Gutenberg editor

Five steps to using shortcode in Gutenberg editor

Gutenberg is an amazing WordPress built-in editor that allows users to create layouts using the drag-and-drop feature. Gutenberg editor replaces the WordPress WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor. One of the most popular features of WordPress is the shortcode, and plugin developers have integrated a custom shortcode panel to generate and include […]

Fixing PHP Maximum execution time Error For WordPress

Fix PHP maximum execution time error for WordPress

One of the best features of WordPress is an automatic or manual update of its core. Site owners can effortlessly upgrade to the latest version from the WordPress admin dashboard. WordPress core updates require downloading the latest files from the server, and if the execution time of downloading and extracting the files is long then […]

How to remove a WordPress custom post type

WordPress provides an excellent option to generate user-required post types by introducing the custom post type feature. Generally, premium WordPress themes are bundled with various custom post types like portfolios, reviews, testimonials, teams, etc. However, you might not use them as a user, eventually slowing down your website. If you need to remove a custom […]

Add a featured image to a WordPress post

A featured image of a WordPress post is an amazing way to briefly describe the content. After the post title, a featured image is the most important thing in a post. So, it is essential to include a meaningful feature image in order to provide an accurate description of the content of your blog to […]

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