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How to display the top voted FAQ Posts?

Advanced FAQ Manager WordPress plugin allows you to display posts based on the users vote. So, If you would like to show the FAQs for the most like votes then use the following shortcode. Display Top Voted FAQ Shortcode: [bwla_faq meta_key = ‘votes_count’ orderby = ‘meta_value_num’ order = ‘DESC’ /]  

Can Advanced FAQ Manager plugin be used with WooCommerce?

Yes, plugin is compatible with WooCommerce.You have to install FAQ Tab For WooCommerce addon to use existing FAQs for your WooCommerce products. You do not need to create FAQs again and the process is super easy, cost and time efficient. You can also check the documentation of the addon from here. FAQ Tab For WooCommerce

How to download latest version of plugin/theme From envato?

You can easily download the latest version of our plugins or theme from your Envato account. Just log in your Envato account and then go to downloads tab. You can download all the updated files from there. Example screenshot: Hope that helps.

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