Due to few security plugin, sometimes knowledge base plugin shortcode editor may not work properly. To fix this issue, just download following addon and install it in your site. It’s work similarly like knowledge base plugin shortcode editor. Download Addon- https://www.dropbox.com/s/il2g0y4see47f3p/bkbm-shortcode-builder-addon.zip?dl=0
You can create FAQ page like following page which allows you to display multiple categories in a page with a single search box. This search box can filter FAQs based on user keywords. FAQ Categories Example shortcode: [[bwla_faq faq_category=”examples,installation,setup” orderby=”title” order=”ASC” sbox=”1″ list=”1″ /]] Thanks.
Advanced FAQ manager WordPress plugin uses two custom taxonomies – Category & Topic to categories the FAQ contents. However, there are not too many differences between these two taxonomies. You can use one of them or use both, and it depends on your requirement. In the past, several buyers requested to add Topic taxonomy that […]