One of the most well-known markup languages in the world is Markdown, a compact markup language that John Gruber created in 2004. Generally, a markdown file is used for writing quick documentation for any project. You can also host that markdown file on Github or Gitlab for other users. In this tutorial, I will show you how to quickly create a markdown file on Visual Studio Code Editor and check the output while editing the markdown code.

Edit and Preview Markdown file on Visual Studio Code Editor
An example of a readme markdown file.

Markdown file editing on visual studio code

Step 1: Open the Visual Studio Code editor.

Step 2: Next, right-click on the project files area, and you will see options to create a new file. Click on the New File and name that file as “”.

Step 3: Now, our “” file is ready to use.

Step 4: Next, we are going to write the first headlines (h1 to h6) code into that file. Save the file.

Step 5: On the right corner of the editor, you will see an icon like the following screenshot. Click on it.

Step 6: You will get an output like this example image.


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