Skype: bluewindlab

Knowledge base manager plugin column does not work in BE theme?

Be theme uses their own custom page builder instead of regular tinyMce Editor. So, it creates a bit problem for Knowledge base manager plugin to load its own grid style sheet. To fix that issue, just download BWL KB Manager Theme Support Addon following link and install it in your site. Issue will be solved. Download […]

BWL Advanced FAQ Manager Translation Steps

We will translate the texts of the BWL Advanced FAQ Manager plugin from English to Bangla. You can follow the steps to translate the plugin texts into your language. Before starting the translation process, please make sure that you set the site language correctly. Step 01: Go to the “wp-content/plugins/bwl-advanced-faq-manager/lang/” and open “bwl-adv-faq.pot” file. To […]

Change the FAQ title font normal and remove the text shadow

Using few lines of custom CSS code, you can easily change the title font styling and text shadow. Note that, by-default font style of the FAQ title is bold and also it contains light shadow below the text. If you check the plugin demo site then you can see that it works perfectly in there, […]

How to solve single FAQ 404 issue?

Besides the animated accordion layout, the BWL Advanced FAQ manager plugin can display the FAQ content in a single page. However, sometimes the FAQ single page displays the 404 error. Getting 404(Page Not Found) is a common issue for the single FAQ and is quite easy to solve. Here are the steps to fix the […]

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