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Install the Sage WordPress theme in LocalWP

Install the Sage WordPress theme in LocalWP

Sage is a powerful WordPress starter theme that uses the power of Laravel and allows developers to write clean code for WordPress theme development. It comes with bud.js to compile the styles and scripts and provides an amazing experience for frontend development. In this tutorial, we will learn how to install the Sage WordPress theme […]

Set up Bedrock on LocalWP installation

Set up Bedrock on LocalWP installation

Bedrock serves as a robust WordPress boilerplate, facilitating the professional organization of a WordPress project. It uses WordPress core functionalities but provides a subdirectory to add all the custom WordPress themes and plugin codes. The best part of Bedrock is that it uses Composer to install WordPress themes, plugins, and other PHP dependencies. Additionally, you […]

Fix the WP-CLI scaffold and Local issue

The WP-CLI is a fantastic command-line tool for WordPress developers. You can do almost everything related to WordPress using this command-line tool. On the other hand, Local is another outstanding piece of software for the local WordPress development environment. In the early days of my WordPress themes and plugins development in the local environment, I […]

Setup Live SASS compiler for Visual Studio Code

Setup live SASS compiler for visual studio code

Sass(syntactically awesome style sheets) is a popular CSS pre-processor that helps developers write less repetitive CSS codes and generate more organized and maintainable scripts. It is an extension of CSS and offers fantastic features like variables, nesting, mixins, functions, import, include, extends, and many more.  Writing maintainable CSS codes when working on large projects or […]

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